Low Voltage Power Supply Project

LVPS Brick (DC/DC Converter Module)

The key component of the LVBOX is a small size (80 x 80 x 30mm), radiation and magnetic field tolerant, single output DC/DC dual transistor synchronous forward converter based on LT1681 chip. Full custom design using only COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) components and the universal printed circuit board design enabled to select three brick versions of various outputs (+3.3V, +5V, or 15V) by means of only several components change. Brick input voltage is +200VDC. The maximum output power from the brick is 150W. The DC/DC converter design enables high efficiency of energy conversion: 72% for 3.3V @10A Iout, 85% for 5V version @10A, and 82 % for 15V version @6A, respectively. Switcher uses the current mode control and has fixed switching frequency of 300kHz. Important brick features are active Over current and Overvoltage protection circuitry. Innovative technology of brick cooling (the switching FET power transistors, power inductors and high frequency transformer) was applied by means of custom made Al2O3 ceramic spacers. In total, 2700 bricks including spares are needed for LVBOX production. Brick has integrated remote control and measurement circuitry for both input (Iin/Vin) and output (Iout/Vout) parameters. Moreover, three temperature sensors are also present to control brick cooling. Vout voltage can be trimmed in range of 15%. Brick can work in a radiation environment up to 20krad, and in external DC magnetic field of 200Gauss without problems. 

► Production Readiness Review Meeting CERN Dec 2004                          web_link
● Brick ver.6.5 original production version 2005
       ► Orig. scheme for all 3.3/5/15V version (Ulticap 5.72 Ult.)           UTSCH file
                 PDF scheme for all 3.3/5/15V version  (2004)                        PDF(A3 format)
       ► Orig. PCB design file (Ultiboard 5.71 Ultimate)                          ddf file
       ► PCB Component placement v6.5                                                 PDF top, PDF bottom
       ► Bill of Material  BOM v.6.5                                                          EXCEL
       ► PCB board naked v6.4 (the same as v6.5)  photo                        Top   Bottom
       ► Brick v6.5 Process & manufacturing file CAM350, Gerber        Zip
       ► Brick Mechanical dimensions & drill holes         PDF
       Brick Transformer custom PCB design, May 2004                    Pin-out scheme, photo, shielding cover
                     Transformer Lin inductance versus power efficiency        graph
                     Primary/secondary winding ratios                                     EXCEL
                     Transformer PCB production files  May 2004                   EXCEL   Zip3V-5V   Zip15V
       ► Updated re-drawn brick schemes v6.5 (Ulticap 5.72 Ult.)          3V & 5V     15V
                 PDF schemes v6.5 of bricks (2007)                                        3V & 5V     15V
       ► Modification of 5V bricks into 3.3V version and vice versa          PDF
       ► Not soldered components on add. produced bricks v6.5 June07   PDF
☞ Production brick database, test files PINFIELD, BURNIN  local PC     web link, update soon
Brick Design Changes/Improvements 2006-2007
       ► Temporary Brick Over Voltage Protection (RCD) June 2006       PDF
       ► Over Voltage Protection on Bricks  Sasha   Aug 2006                  PDF
       ► External OVP Board Circuit on Bricks September 2006               PDF
       ☞ Group SHDN concept November 2006                                           PDF review
       ► Repair of Malfunctioned bricks CERN, ANL                                  EXCEL
      ● Ver.6.5.1 brick modifications October 2006
            ► Report       PDF
      ● Ver.6.5.2 brick modifications November 2006
            ► Report      PDF       manual for technicians     PDF
      ● Ver.6.5.3 brick modifications December 2006
            ► Report     PDF       manual for technicians      PDF
      ● Ver.6.5.4 brick modifications February 2007
            ►                              manual for technicians      PDF
● Ver.6.5.4.A brick modifications, Final production version March 2007
            ► Design Change Report  PDF       Final manual for technicians      PDF
            ► Brick design schemes v6.5.4.A (Ulticap 5.72 Ult.)                         3V & 5V   15V
                            PDF schemes v6.5.4.A of bricks (March 2007)                  3V & 5V    15V
            ► New Components for bricks v.6.5.4.A                                           EXCEL
            ► Report, manual for technicians, local OVP, OCP, group shdn       PDF
            ☞ Preloads manual 3x15V, 5VHV bricks                                             review & finish
            ☞ Brick tuning, brick repair v6.5.4                  Anton, Slava                review & finish